Projects_ILs Parameterization
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1 #!/usr/bin/env python3  2   3 ## README #####################################################################  4 #   5 # This script is meant to measure pi-pi stacking between the solute and solvent  6 # atoms. It will evaluate only those solvent atoms within a certain cutoff,  7 # defined by the user (below).  8   9 cutoff = 10.0 10  11 # This cutoff distance is based upon the approximated center of the ring 12 # containing the pi system. The center is approximated by using two of the 13 # three coordinates given by the user. The two atoms which will approximate the 14 # center need to be the second and third atoms defined in the lists below. The 15 # atoms are defined by the atom labels as they appear in the pdb file. Please 16 # note, this script works with pdb files ONLY. 17  18 solute_atoms = ['C0C', 'C0E', 'C09'] 19 solvent_atoms = ['C02', 'N04', 'C05'] 20  21 # Please ensure that all three atoms are in the aromatic ring, as these three 22 # atoms will be used to form the plane in which the pi system lies.    23 #  24 # The script will find the angles between the planes involved in the (hopefully 25 # found) pi-pi stacking, as well as take an average and standard deviation. 26 # Output for every solvent molecule evaluated is printed in an output file 27 # named 'output_pi-pi.txt'. 28 #  29 # !!The above two variables should be all that is required for the user to 30 # change!! 31 # 32 ## INVOCATION ################################################################# 33 #  34 # Ensure that the script is marked executable or explicitly invoke python 35 # (version 3.2 minimal) to run the script.  Any pdb file which you'd like to 36 # analyze should be given as an argument. Shell expansion is handled 37 # appropriately. 38 #  39 # Example: 40 # ./pipi.py *pdb 41 # ./pipi.py d50plt5 d50plt10 d50plt15 42 # 43 # Note that the filenames do not need a pdb suffix, but the script relies on 44 # the pdb format.   45 ############################################################################## 46 # 47 # Author: Billy Wayne McCann 48 # email : thebillywayne@gmail.com 49 # NOTE:  My code is purposefully verbose. don't hate.  50 ############################################################################### 51  52 from sys import argv, exit 53 from math import pow, degrees, sqrt, acos 54 from sysconfig import get_python_version 55  56 # make sure we're using at least version 3.2 of Python 57 if float(get_python_version()) < 3.2: 58     print("Requires Python 3.2 or higher.") 59     exit(0) 60  61 # make sure arguments have been given to the script 62 if len(argv[1:]) == 0: 63     print("Give pdb files as an argument to this script.") 64     exit(0) 65 else: 66     pdbs = argv[1:] 67  68 # species are separated in the pdb file by 'TER   ' 69 ter = 'TER   ' 70  71 # file in which to place output 72 output = open('output_pi-pi.txt', 'w') 73  74 ###  FUNCTIONS  ############################################################### 75  76 def find_TERs(content): 77     ''' Find where the TER's in the pdb file occur''' 78  79     terlines = [] 80     terline = content.index(ter) 81     terlines.append(terline) 82     while True: 83         try: 84             terline = content.index(ter, terline+1) 85             terlines.append(terline) 86         except: 87             return terlines 88  89 def get_coordinates(species, atoms): 90     ''' Find coordinates of atoms of interest of the species of interest, 91     whether the solute or the solvent.  The atoms should have been defined in 92     the solute_atoms and solvent_atoms variables''' 93  94     atom_arrays = [] 95     coordinates = [] 96  97     # scan through species for specific atom entry and store into atom_arrays 98     for entry in species: 99         for atom in atoms:100             if atom in entry:101                 atom_arrays.append(entry)102 103     # extract only the desired elements from the atom_arrays and store them in104     # coordinates list.105     for element in atom_arrays:106         array = element.split()107         coordinates.append(array[4])108         coordinates.append(array[5:8])109 110     # in binary solvents, the coordinates will sometimes not be found in a111     # particular solvent molecule. return None and test for it in the main112     # body.113     if not coordinates:114         return [None,None] 115 116     # the molecular id is the first entry in the coordinates list117     mol_id = coordinates[0]118 119     # the actual coordinates are the even entries in the coordinates list120     coordinates = [coordinates[i] for i in range(len(coordinates)) if float(i)121                     % 2 != 0]122     return mol_id, coordinates123 124 def vectorize(coordinate1, coordinate2):125     '''Take coordinates and return a vector'''126 127     # extract x, y, z values from coordinates128     # make them floats for the subtraction operations in the return statement129     x1 = float(coordinate1[0])130     x2 = float(coordinate2[0])131     y1 = float(coordinate1[1])132     y2 = float(coordinate2[1])133     z1 = float(coordinate1[2])134     z2 = float(coordinate2[2])135     return [x2-x1, y2-y1, z2-z1]136 137 def dotproduct(vector1, vector2):138     '''Return the dot product between two vectors'''139 140     return vector1[0]*vector2[0]+vector1[1]*vector2[1]+vector1[2]*vector2[2]141 142 def crossproduct(vector1, vector2):143     '''Find the cross product between two vectors'''144 145     return [vector1[1]*vector2[2]-vector1[2]*vector2[1],146             vector1[2]*vector2[0]-vector1[0]*vector2[2],147             vector1[0]*vector2[1]-vector1[1]*vector2[0]]148 149 def magnitude(vector):150     '''Return the magnitude of a vector'''151 152     return sqrt(vector[0]*vector[0]+vector[1]*vector[1]+153             vector[2]*vector[2])154 155 def unit(vector):156     '''Return the unit vector of a vector'''157 158     mag = magnitude(vector)159     unit_vector = []160     for scalar in vector:161         unit_vector.append(scalar/mag)162     return unit_vector163 164 def center(coordinate1, coordinate2):165     ''' Given two coordinates, find the midpoint between them. 166     This function is used to approximate the center of a species. '''167     x1 = float(coordinate1[0])168     x2 = float(coordinate2[0])169     y1 = float(coordinate1[1])170     y2 = float(coordinate2[1])171     z1 = float(coordinate1[2])172     z2 = float(coordinate2[2])173 174     return [(x2+x1)/2, (y2+y1)/2, (z2+z1)/2]175 176 def distance(coordinate1, coordinate2):177     ''' Find the distance between two points'''178     x1 = float(coordinate1[0])179     x2 = float(coordinate2[0])180     y1 = float(coordinate1[1])181     y2 = float(coordinate2[1])182     z1 = float(coordinate1[2])183     z2 = float(coordinate2[2])184 185     return sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2 + (z2-z1)**2)186 187 def normal(coordinates):188     ''' Given three coordinates, find the normal to the plane created by the189     three coordinates'''190 191     vector1 = vectorize(coordinates[0], coordinates[1])192     vector2 = vectorize(coordinates[1], coordinates[2])193 194     return crossproduct(vector1, vector2)195 196 def calculate_angle(normal1, normal2):197     ''' Calculate the angle between two planes.'''198 199     # make normals into unit vectors first200     normal1 = unit(normal1)201     normal2 = unit(normal2)202 203     # the angle between the two planes of atomic coordinates204     # is the arccosine of dot product of the two normals.205     return  degrees(acos(dotproduct(normal1, normal2)))206 207 def stddev(all_values, average_value):208     '''Find the standard deviation of the angles'''209 210     # create a new list which is the difference between the average of the211     # values and each individual value.212     square_diff_from_average = [pow((i-average_value), 2) for i in all_values]213 214     # the standard deviation is square root of the sum of the differences215     # between each each value and the average squared divided by the number of216     # values in the list ('population' standard deviation).217     return sqrt(sum(square_diff_from_average)/len(square_diff_from_average))218 219 ## MAIN  ######################################################################220 221 # initialize dictionary to store solvent data into222 solvent_data = {} 223 224 print("Using a cutoff of {0} Angstroms.".format(cutoff))225 output.write("Using a cutoff of {0} Angstroms.\n\n".format(cutoff))226 227 for pdb in pdbs:228     with open(pdb, 'r') as pdb_file:229         contents = pdb_file.read().split('\n')230         TERlines = find_TERs(contents)231 232         # find solutes coordinates, center, and normal vector233         solute = contents[0:TERlines[0]]234         solute_coordinates = get_coordinates(solute, solute_atoms)[1]235         solute_center = center(solute_coordinates[1], solute_coordinates[2]) 236         solute_normal = normal(solute_coordinates)237 238         solvents = []239         for i in range(len(TERlines)-1):240             solvent = contents[TERlines[i]:TERlines[i+1]]241             solvents.append(solvent)242 243         # keep track of how many solvents are within cutoff in each pdb244         j = 0245         for solvent in solvents:246             solvent_name, solvent_coordinates = get_coordinates(solvent, solvent_atoms)247             248             if solvent_coordinates is None:249                 continue250 251             solvent_name = int(solvent_name)252             solvent_center = center(solvent_coordinates[1],253                                     solvent_coordinates[2])254             radius = distance(solute_center, solvent_center)255 256             if radius < cutoff:257                 solvent_normal = normal(solvent_coordinates)258                 angle = calculate_angle(solute_normal, solvent_normal)259                 if solvent_name not in solvent_data:260                     solvent_data[solvent_name] = {
'pdb': [], 261 'distance': [], 'angle': []}262 solvent_data[solvent_name]['pdb'].append(pdb)263 solvent_data[solvent_name]['distance'].append(radius)264 solvent_data[solvent_name]['angle'].append(angle)265 j += 1266 267 else:268 continue269 270 print("PDB {0} contains {1} solvent(s) within the cutoff.".format(pdb, j))271 output.write("PDB {0} contains {1} solvent(s) within the cutoff.\n".format(pdb, j))272 273 # end of for pdb loop274 275 output.write("\n")276 277 # analyze the accepted solvent data.278 for accepted in sorted(solvent_data):279 output.write('Solvent ID: {0}\n'.format(accepted))280 281 for index in range(len(solvent_data[accepted]['pdb'])):282 output.write('+ PDB name: {0}\t\t'.format(solvent_data[accepted]['pdb'][index]))283 output.write('Distance: {0:.2f}\t'.format(solvent_data[accepted]['distance'][index]))284 output.write('Angle: {0:.2f}\t\n'.format(solvent_data[accepted]['angle'][index]))285 286 output.write('== AVERAGES ==\n')287 average_distance = sum(solvent_data[accepted]['distance'])/len(solvent_data[accepted]['distance'])288 distance_stddev = stddev(solvent_data[accepted]['distance'],289 average_distance)290 average_angle = sum(solvent_data[accepted]['angle'])/len(solvent_data[accepted]['angle'])291 angle_stddev = stddev(solvent_data[accepted]['angle'], average_angle)292 output.write("Distance:\t{0:.2f} +- ".format(average_distance))293 output.write("{0:.2f}.\n".format(distance_stddev))294 output.write("Angle: \t{0:.2f} +- ".format(average_angle))295 output.write("{0:.2f}.\n\n".format(angle_stddev))296 297 output.close()298 exit(0)



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